With pinterest as my inspiration once again, I was loving all the different cute little Christmas treats that looked like Reindeer’s. None of them suitable for the Failsafe diet, so I decided to try to create my own. They are basically a very easy caramel tart, and yes I cheated and used caramel top n fill! You can certainly try making your own caramel, but I was after a quick fix to whip something up for my daughters prep Christmas party. Miss 3 had lots of fun helping me make these, our attempt is very rustic, but I think they look cute.
This is a great recipe that you can get the kids into the kitchen with. They will have so much fun decorating each reindeer, and they will be so unique and quirky. Ideal for a kids Christmas party or for your own celebration on the day. Just make sure you store them in the fridge before serving, our hot Aussie summer is unforgiving and will melt the caramel.
I found it easier to assemble the reindeers out of the mini muffin tin. Mini Parker’s Pretzels were broken up and used for the antlers. I found the mini drink marshmallows were perfect cut in half for the eyes. I have also used the hoppers musk sticks successfully too. The snout is a milk bottle lollie cut up with kitchen scissors, although you can use a marshmallow. For the full list of other failsafe Confectionery can be found here on the Fed Up web site. You might find something else suitable to use to decorate the reindeers, please share if you do!
Reindeer Tarts
- Thermomix (optional) Can be made with a Thermomix or Traditional method.
Base Ingredients
- 120 g nuttelex or butter
- 200 g sweet plain biscuits, I used milk arrowroot
- 1 tin caramel Top ‘n fill
To decorate
- Plain white marshmallows White Pascal or Sshmallows White Mini Marshmallows
- Milk bottle lollies Failsafe suitable
- Carob buttons
- Red hopper Pearls from Hopper Pearls Rainbow
- or 2 Musk sticks
Base - Traditional Method
- Place biscuits into freezer bag and crush with a rolling pin OR place in a blender and pulse until resembles breadcrumbs.
- Melt the nuttelex or butter in the microwave and stir through the crushed biscuits to combine.
- Continue from step 3 in Thermomix method.
Base - Thermomix Method
- Place nuttelex into Thermomix bowl and melt for 2 minutes at 60 deg speed 4.
- Add biscuits, mix on speed 7 for 10 sec until combined.
- Using a mini muffin tray, There are two ways you can do it… The first way I was worried wouldn’t work and tried another way just in case, but fortunately both worked successfully. So you can either grease the tray and place the mixture directly in the tray or line with mini cup cake papers (this will give a fluted edge).
- Place a dessert spoon full of the biscuit base into each one and use your fingers to press it firmly into the bottom and around the sides. Smooth the top to get a clean edge.
- Place 1 teaspoon of the caramel on top of the base and smooth over with the back of the spoon. (If the biscuit base is too crumbly while adding the caramel, place into the fridge for 1/2 to set the base).
- Place into the fridge to set for at least 1 hour to firm the caramel.
To Decorate
- It is easier to decorate the tarts once removed from the tray. Very gently use a knife and run it around the edge of the tart to loosen it and lift out gently onto a flat tray or plate. If using the papers, up to you if you want to leave them on or not. To remove, gently pull the paper away from the tart and place on the plate.
- For the Antlers: Break up some of the Pretzels and use 2 pieces that are similar size and shape for each tart. Place into the caramel on each side towards the top.
- For the eyes: you can use either musk sticks or the marshmallows. Slice thin strips of the musk sticks to use for eyes, placing 2 on each tart. OR the Sshmallows White Mini Marshmallows cut in half.
- For the nose: You can use a Pascal marshmallow or white milk bottle lollies.Cut a marshmallow into small pieces. The middle of the marshmallow is sticky and the red hopper pearl sticks to it.OR cut the milk bottles into 3 or 4 pieces and place below the eyes on the tart.
- To finish off, Melt some carob buttons in the microwave in a small bowl for about 30 seconds. Use a piping bag or a freezer bag with a corner snipped and pipe little dots on top of the eyes for the pupil. Or I just used my metal cake tester (or skewer) and dipped it into the carob and dotted the carob onto the eye.I placed another smaller dot of carob on the milk bottle nose to attach the red hopper pearl.
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