Golden Syrup – Homemade

I love discovering recipes that I can make in the Thermomix to save money! So you can understand my excitement when I stumbled upon a Thermomix recipe shared to make golden syrup. It is something I buy regularly from the supermarket and to be able to make a batch myself for under 90 cents has […]

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BBQ Sauce – Failsafe

We actually had a huge catastrophe recently! We had run out of Pear Ketchup!! Gasp! I had actually let our sacred supply slip. Then to make matters worse, half way through cooking I went to get the brown sugar only to discover that had run dry too! Oh dear, colour drained from my face, Miss 6 […]

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Roasted Pear, Chilli and Saffron Jam

I wanted to make my husband something special for breakfast on Father’s day. His most favourite thing to eat is chilli, the hotter the better… mmmm so maybe I had ulterior motives, because I also wanted it to be something that master 10 and I could enjoy too, if it was too hot, we couldn’t be […]

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Pear & Choko Jam

I am not a jam making expert, I just like keep a supply up of failsafejam so it gives another choice of things to have on sandwiches, piklets and scones. I make mine with jamsetta, whenever I have tried making it without I have not been happy with the consistency and it didn’t set well. So […]

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Cashew Butter

A while back on some of the Facebook Failsafe forums I was talking to a few of the girls about making cashew butter. In the past all my attempts had failed, my cashew butter was too dry and not flavoursome and my kids turned their noses up at it. Toni on the forum said she made the […]

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Vegetable Stock Concentrate

A great staple to keep in your fridge is a vegetable stock. Having it home made, you know exactly what’s in it, full of wonderful vegetable goodness and full of flavour for your dishes. I use it in most of my recipes, and people have been asking me about it, so thought it was time […]

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Carob Cashew Paste

This is my Failsafe diet version of “nuttella”. It is incredibly yummy! This makes a large quantity, but it doesn’t last long in our house. Great in sandwiches, spread on puff pastry rolled up and cooked in the oven, on scones… the possibilities are endless!  Enjoy! 150g sugar 210g raw cashews 75g carob buttons 45g Carob powder […]

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Chilli Pear Ketchup

My husband loves chillies, the hotter the better… I am partial to a nice sweet chilli sauce, and our son is desperate to take after his father and be able to eat chillies, lol! When we visited China a few years ago and stayed in a Province that is known for hot food, he decided he needed […]

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Pear Ketchup

This is a staple in our house. It is from Sue Dengate’s Fed Up book. We use it instead of commercial tomato or bbq sauce. I have adapted it to make it quickly and easily in the Thermomix. 1 large tin (825g) of pears in syrup 110g brown sugar 1 ½ teasp citric acid 1 […]

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Vanilla Syrup

This is a beautiful syrup that can be used over ice cream, with pancakes and waffles, in milkshakes or my favourite way is in coffee / decaf. This is a beautiful syrup that can be used over ice cream, with pancakes and waffles, milkshakes or my favourite way is in coffee / decaf.

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