Minecraft Cake

My son is a huge fan of Minecraft and that was the request for his cake this year. I was hoping it would be easy since everything in the game is all blocks. It was a bit of a challenge trying to make them even, I can’t even cut paper straight with scissors, lol. I managed to get there in the end and one birthday boy who was stoked by the end results made it all worth while!

Domestic Diva: Minecraft Cake

The Cake: The birthday boy requested his favourite Caramel Mud cake, you can find the recipe HERE on my blog. I divided the cake mix between 3 loaf tins approx 22 x 11cm. I used 2 for the base side by side and cut one into (some resemblance of equal) squares to build up the terrain. My creative son arranged them just how he wanted them for the cake.

The Icing: I had actually run out of carob powder and only had carob buttons on hand at the time, so that’s what I used. I made a “dairy free” butter icing“. You can find the recipe for that HERE, and I added 70g of carob buttons to the sugar and blitzed it in the Thermomix together before adding the nuttelex. It would have been a darker brown with carob powder, but this had to do.  I also crushed up some carob buttons in the Thermomix and dipped each side piece into the carob to give the terrain texture and sprinkled some along the front. The icing held all the blocks together well and kept them in place. I didn’t need to use skewers.

The Marshmallow Fondant: You can find the Marshmallow fondant recipe HERE. I used Hoppers natural colours green and blue to colour it. I love Hoppers colours, they use fruit and vegetables to colour rather than nasty numbers. They will contain Salicylates, but love this option when not on strict elimination diet.
I rolled out one piece of green big enough to cover the two loaf cakes and trimmed to size. The rest I cut into squares the same size as the cake blocks to place on top.

The Decorations: My son is big on making Minecraft paper figures, he spends hours making them. I told him I wanted a few of them to use for the cake since I had already purchased some of the figurines which was a great surprise for him. Steve, the creeper and the other two boxes are purchased figures. The tree, the little white ‘cake’ on the box and the squid on the blue are all made out of paper. He took great delight in placing all of the pieces onto the cake himself and attached the tree on the top with a little butter icing. It was a team effort and lovely to have a willing helper to make the cake.

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