I love watching the joy my kids have in celebrating new life on Easter Sunday with an Easter Egg hunt. The shrieks of delight when they find an egg and show me the stash they have found is priceless.
The last few years I have purchased plastic eggs and filled them with special treats and little toys for our Easter egg hunt. You can pick up the plastic eggs from supermarkets, bargain shops, Spotlight and craft shops. Since we can’t have the usual chocolate eggs due to very high amines and we steer clear of all flavours, colours and preservatives. So here are a few ideas of what I have use to put inside the plastic eggs to make it as fun and Failsafe as possible for my kids. Please remember to always check ingredients!
Werthers Original
Pascall’s White Marshmallows
Pascall’s Columbines
Musk Sticks from Allergy Train
Milk Bottles
Milky Bars
Milky Bar Buttons
Carob buttons
Hopper Pebbles from Allergy Train
Jersey Caramels – I generally find Homebrand ones are ok.
Homemade fudge
Stickers – I get mine from Koorong bookshop
Little cards with Bible verses on; make your own or purchase from Koorong bookshop
Bouncy Balls
Plastic dinosaurs
Matchbox cars
Fun shoelaces
Easter chicks
Lego Mini Figures
Bracelets or jewellery
Mini stamp pads
Small stationary items
Glow sticks or battery oporated candles – this is a great idea for camping
You can easily do an Easter egg hunt without lollies and sweets. Lots of the bargain shops, party supply shops and department stores have cheap little toys and accessories you can use to fill them with. I usually start buying a month earlier as I spot things suitable in the shops. Just remember to be aware of little parts for kids under 3 years.
Enjoy creating the hunt! Have a blessed Easter and stay safe.
For more info, here is a link to the Fed Up Confectionery Fact Sheet.
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