Golden Syrup – Homemade

Domestic Diva - Golden Syrup - homemade

I love discovering recipes that I can make in the Thermomix to save money! So you can understand my excitement when I stumbled upon a Thermomix recipe shared to make golden syrup. It is something I buy regularly from the supermarket and to be able to …  [Continue Reading…]

Pear Upside Down Cake

Domestic Diva - Pear Upside Down Cake

I was flicking through a magazine that had a beautiful picture of an upside down pineapple cake in it. It looked stunning and I just wanted to grab a fork and dig in. The photo inspired me to make one, but with pears of course to make it suitable for …  [Continue Reading…]

Easter Egg Cakes

Domestic Diva -Carob Easter Egg Cakes

This decadent cake concept is easy to make and can really be used for any occasion, not just Easter. I used an Easter egg shaped cutter but you can use any shape for any occasion and celebration. Trees or bells for Christmas, hearts for valentines …  [Continue Reading…]

Lamb Meat Pies

Domestic Diva: Lamb Meat Pies

It's Australia Day tomorrow! Amongst the madly preparing for school going back in two days time, baking and covering books, I asked my family what they would like to eat on Australia Day. I loved their first choice... MEAT PIES! Yes! I even had some …  [Continue Reading…]

Mussels and Calamari with Black Bean Spaghetti

Domestic Diva: Mussels & Calamari with Black Bean Spaghetti

A couple of months ago I posted this pic below on my instagram of some Organic Black Bean Spaghetti that I found in a local health food store. It was been sitting in the pantry staring at me every time I open up the door screaming out to be used. I …  [Continue Reading…]

Lego Friends Ice-Cream Themed Birthday Cake & Cup Cakes

Domestic Diva - Lego Friends Cake - Ice-cream Theme

Lego Friends Ice-Cream Themed Cake A Lego Friends cake was the brief from my daughter for her 8th birthday. Dreading the thought of attempting fondant figures, I took the cheats option and purchased a Lego set to go on the top of the cake. …  [Continue Reading…]

Basketball Birthday Cake

Domestic Diva - Basketball cake with net

Another birthday celebrated in our house, my keen basket-baller son turned 12! His birthday was actually last month, I am just really slow in sharing his cake as I have been otherwise occupied, life is full and head down in my cookbook. He …  [Continue Reading…]

Update on my Cookbook & App

Domestic Diva: Food photography Shoot 1

Most of you will be aware by now that the reason I have been so quiet on my blog and facebook page lately is because I have been madly working on my first cookbook and app. Very exciting!! It has been a huge learning curve for me and oh so much …  [Continue Reading…]

A Ballerina Cake and Marshmallow Treats

Domestic Diva: Fairy Ballerina Cake

My youngest princess recently turned 6. The request was for a cake with a beautiful ballerina on top. Knowing full well that she doesn't actually eat cake (strange child I know... lol), I asked her what she wanted. She said "two layers of carob …  [Continue Reading…]

Sticky Chicken Drumsticks

Domestic Diva: Sticky Chicken Drumsticks with Fried Rice -Failsafe

I love this recipe for it's simplicity and especially due to the fact that all 3 of kids loved it and gobbled it up with gusto, including my fussy plain Jane youngest! Simple; as it is using 3 ingredients... my new BBQ sauce recipe which I whipped up …  [Continue Reading…]