Lamb Roast with a Celery Pesto Crust

Lamb is my favourite meat to roast. Usually I do it au-natural, but this time I decided to make it a little more special. The pear seemed to give the meat a beautiful sweetness and the celery pesto was a perfect touch. Everyone gave it the thumbs up.

I served it with roasted potatoes, beans and my husband and I had sweet potato too. This was the first time I used my roasting tray with a rack in it. I was worried that the meat would have been dry, but it wasn’t and the amines level I am hoping may have been slightly less since the meat and vegetables were not sitting in the meat juices during cooking.


Preheat oven to 180 °C

1 lamb roast
1/2 pear, peeled and sliced

Prepare roast by removing any excess fat. Slice long slits along the top of the meat  about 2 cm apart. Place a slice of pear into each slit.  Spray roasting tray grill with spray oil and place the roast on top.

Celery Pesto:
120g cashews
300g celery stalks
30g celery leaves
3 cloves garlic
5g (a good pinch) Rock salt
1 tablespoon oil

Place all ingredients in the Thermomix bowl and chop on speed 7 for 5 seconds, stir with spatula to push the leaves down and chop for another 5 seconds.

Spoon a thick coating of the celery pesto all over the top of the roast.

Cook in the oven on a roasting tray for 1 1/2 – 2 hours, or until cooked.
If necessary place a piece of alfoil over the top of the meat if coating is burning too quickly.
Serve with your favourite roasted vegetables. 

Notes: I was going to halve the pesto recipe be decided to keep these quantities as you can freeze the Pesto or store in an airtight container in the fridge. Covering with a thin layer of oil will help it to keep for about 5 days. There are lots of other recipes you make with it, stir through philly cheese for a dip or toss through cooked pasta. Stay tuned, I have more recipes coming using the Celery Pesto!
If you do not have a Thermomix, you could try making the pesto in a blender or food processor.





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