Jimmy’s meatballs & spaghetti
Failsafe Diet, Failsafe Recipes, Thermomix Recipes
"A housewife who is beautiful and fabulous but hard-working. Making a fashion statement while doing housework is must! She's usually multi-tasking by taking care of the kids, cooking, cleaning, sweeping, mopping, etc. while wearing her cute lil aprons and high-heeled shoes. It's all about looking good while doing it!"
According to the Urban dictionary.
I certainly don’t excel at the above, nor claim to be good at it, nor do I make a great fashion statement, lol… but I do have fun trying and love what I do! I would love to say I am a Proverbs 31 chick, but sorry…
102,104,110,122,123,124,127,129,132, 133,142,143,151,155,160b (annatto)
200-203,210-213,220-228,249-252, 280-283
Hydrolysed Vegetable Protein (HVP)
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