Pizza is an all time favourite at our place. It becomes a family activity, everyone rolls out their own base and puts their pizza toppings on. It’s a fun way to get the kids in the kitchen and they can’t blame me for how it turns out since they made it, lol! Miss 4 loves calamari and scallops, Miss 6 loves chicken and master 10… well he just loves food… a pizza with those 3 things on works perfectly and keeps everyone happy. I love these ingredients with creamy sauces, this is my claytons Alfredo sauce (an Alfredo sauce without the Alfredo… so no Parmesan cheese which is very high in amines and glutamates). This sauce is lovely tossed through pasta too.
^ Pizza ready for the oven.

Creamy Garlic Chicken and Seafood Pizza
Pizza Base
- I used the Thermomix pizza base recipe from the Basic Cookbook (Cookidoo) and substituted 100g of the bakers flour for Quinoa flour. You can easily use your own favourite pizza base recipe, especially if you are gluten free.
Philly Cheese Sauce - "claytons" failsafe Alfredo
- 3 large cloves garlic
- 30 g butter
- 150 g philly cheese
- 60 g cream
- 500 g cooked chicken, diced
- 200 g scallops
- 100 g calamari, cut into strips
- Chopped chives
- Pear Ketchup
- Chopped parsley to garnish
Philly Cheese Sauce- "claytons" failsafe Alfredo
- Chop garlic for 5 seconds on speed 7.
- Add philly cheese and cream.
- Mix to combine for 10 seconds on speed 7.
- If making the cheese sauce before hand, keep in the fridge. It will set hard, you can just spoon it on in blobs or just before using it, place in the microwave for 20 seconds to soften it a little.
Toppings & Assembly
- You can use any toppings you desire to suit your tastes, allergies or intolerances. I found that the seafood worked better and cooked to perfection when I lightly cooked them in a little skillet first. Scallops about 1 minute on each side and tossed the calamari around in a little oil for 1 – 2 minutes. Miss 4 just had scallops and calamari on hers with a garlic and herbs without the sauce. Miss 6 just had the sauce and chicken, the rest of us had everything. It was absolutely lovely.
- After making and preparing the pizza base, roll out each round, place on a pizza stone or tray. Spread generously with the sauce. Place toppings on. Sprinkle with herbs and squirt swirls, cross hatch or funny faces with the Pear Ketchup to garnish.
- Bake in a pre-heated oven at 200° for approx 12 – 15 minutes or until cooked.
“Fish and seafood must be very fresh, best eaten within 12 hours of catch or frozen and eaten within 2 weeks (in my experience, supermarket fish and seafood is never fresh enough). White fish or seafood, e.g. snapper, barramundi, whiting, crab, lobster, oysters, calamari, scallops (but not salmon, tuna or prawns). Best from specialty fish shops, fishing co-ops and friends who fish, ask for the freshest and eat that day”.
Hey, When you say “Philly Cheese”, are you referring to Philadelphia Cream Cheese?
Hi Elizabeth, yes philly cheese is Philadelphia cream cheese. That’s what we commonly call it in Australia. 🙂
Thanks For Sharing this amazing recipe. My family loved it. I will be sharing this recipe with my friends. Hope the will like it.